As we welcome 2015, here's a link to a great summary of advances made in the world of maternal care
in 2014.
Some highlights include:
- A focus on the high rate of primary C-sections and some rethinking about "normal" labor patterns and progress. New guidelines for the stages of labor have been incorporated into all of our childbirth classes.
- For those families who do undergo cesarean sections, there has been increasing focus on "family centered" cesareans. Hospitals that offer family centered cesareans try to make cesarean births more respectful of families physical and emotional needs. This can include things like immediate skin to skin contact in the operating room when appropriate, involving partners in traditional birth rituals like cutting the cord, and having music of the mother's choice playing during surgery.
- A research study in the journal Birth, which found that use of non-pharmacologic pain management (i.e. the comfort measures and labor positions taught in our childbirth classes) reduces the need for medical interventions during labor and delivery.
- Increased focus on the importance of the human microbiome and the impact that the increase in cesarean births may have on infant gut bacteria colonization.
We can't wait to see what 2015 brings!